This web site is about Hawaiian music. I started it in 2003 as a way to collect the sheet music for our hula band. To avoid each player having a different idea of what to play, each show would have a complete collection of all the song sheets.
Over time I added other topics of interest. I added a list of record stores I visited when I looked for records from Hawaiʻi, New Zealand and Tahiti. This would help me when I traveled to know which shops I had tried and which I wanted to revisit. I added photos of the record albums because I had already taken the photos in order to add them to the cover art of iTunes playlists.
People contact me over email requesting sheet music or recordings. They find my site through a web search and thatʻs when I realized that mine was one of a small number of sites that have this information. I would create a chord sheet on request; it gave me a chance to learn new music and to get proficient at transcribing lyrics and chords.
When I started teaching ʻukulele, I put the lessons here for all the students.
I am learning Hawaiian steel guitar. I collected licks and vamps by transcribing from recordings. Those were eventually notated in music software so I could transpose them and so I could index and find them. Now those licks and vamps are on this site, along with a Bag of Licks tool for repetitive practice.